My adventures in writing

For as far as my memory can go back, I've wanted to be a writer. Most of my daydreams involve writing fiction. I'm constantly jotting down little ideas that may or may not ever turn into anything substantial.

I remember sending a short story that I wrote, and was very proud of, to a national magazine. Weeks went by, and I didn't hear anything back. I had come to the conclusion that no one even read it, that it was simply discarded. Well, it did get read and almost six-weeks after sending it, I got a response. I remember seeing the envelope with the magazine's logo stamped across the front and my heart racing as I opened it.

It was a standard rejection letter.

The interesting thing, is that once over the initial disappointment, I was rather proud of the moment. In my mind, a rejection letter is one step closer to an acceptance letter. I framed the rejection letter and it's still hanging on the wall behind my computer monitor as a constant reminder. Don't stop.

I started playing fantasy football in 2005ish. Just a free league on Yahoo! It was fun and interesting. Then a friend of mine got me involved in his league, which was an auction draft and totally different than anything I had done before. I sucked really bad at it that first year or two, but it was mega-fun. There was money on the line, laughing, cursing, and I distinctly remember a chair being thrown once. I was hooked and I've been hooked ever since.

It was until a year or so ago that it clicked, that maybe...just maybe I should be writing about fantasy football. I mean, who would think to mix two things they love into one mega-awesome-activity? This guy. That's who.

I started a twitter account and began following a lot of big names in sports writing and fantasy football analysis. I began listening to podcasts, all the while thinking, "I can totally do this."

In June I started this blog, which only a handful of people have even seen, up to this point. (Hi Honey)  At this point, I'm not worried that no one is reading this. Fact is, I'm writing on a daily basis which means improvement. I'm interacting with other people in the business, people who get paid to do this. For me, at this stage of the game, it's good to be devoting my time and effort.

Well, that brings me to today. My first article has been published on a sports website. It's nice to see it on the web, and not to be another rejection letter. I'm hoping and praying that this is truly the start of a journey that will lead me to being able to write professionally.

For anyone interested...and even if you're not, you've come this far, click the dang LINK

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